
We Carry Just Enough to Play Lyrics

We cut emptiness through and through
Our voices are geared up and tiring
Raucous breathing and bitter spirit
Shatters from our life thrown up in the air
Crashing down below
Just like eternal snow
In this world
I wait for a sign
A simple hand

At the end of the day
We carry just enough to play
We fight ourselves to death
Our guts open we lay against
The uncanny world routine
That leaves no time to stray
From towers that you build
For beauty and parade
I'm sick of this world where men are trapped like birds
All things are full of labor; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

I'll lay my bones at your feet
Just to blow your minds away
Vexation of spirit
I know we all do this in vain
I'm sick and tired
So sick and tired

We rage on
While searching
We take it out
Our stain of life

But the night we burn our faces down
The night our flesh is melting
A new realm shall rise

We carry just enough to play
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