Yusuf Islam Testo

A Is for Allah
  1. Introduction
  2. A: Allah
  3. Ayat Al-Kursi
  4. Say He Is Allah
  5. B: Bismillah
  6. Bismillah (Song) Zain Bikha
  7. T: Taqwa
  8. Th: Thawab
  9. J: Jannah
  10. Surah Al-Kahf
  11. H: Hajj
  12. Kh: Khatam
  13. D: Deen
  14. Our Guide Is the Qur'an
  15. Dh: Dhikr
  16. R: Ramadan
  17. Z: Zakah
  18. Surat At-Tawbah
  19. S: Salam
  20. Salam, Salam
  21. Sh: Shams
  22. Surah Al-An'am
  23. S: Salah
  24. D: Duha
  25. Surah Ad-Duha
  26. T: Tareeq
  27. Turn to Allah
  28. Z: Zill
  29. I: Ilm
  30. Gh: Ghayb
  31. F: Fatihah
  32. Surah Al-Fatihah
  33. Q: Qur'an
  34. Surah Al-Qadr
  35. Qur'anu Robbee
  36. K: Kalimah
  37. L: La Ilaha Illa-Allah
  38. M: Muhammad Rasul-Allah
  39. Seal of the Prophet
  40. N: Nawm
  41. Surah Al-Sajdah
  42. H: Hijrah
  43. W: Wudu
  44. Surah Al-Muddaththir
  45. Y: Yawm Ad-Deen
  46. Surah Al-Infitar
  47. A Is for Allah
  48. Last Word
Prayers of the Last Prophet
  1. Introduction
  2. I Am Indeed Close
  3. O Son of Adam
  4. Praise Be to Allah
  5. Be Mindful of Allah
  6. Rabbi Ya Rahman
  7. Chief of Prayers
  8. Bedtime Prayer
  9. They Forsake Their Beds
  10. Night Prayer
  11. Call to Prayer
  12. Light
  13. The Morning Prayer
  14. If You Ask Me
  15. Let Not Our Hearts Deviate
  16. Istikharah
  17. Sovereignty
  18. Leaving Home
  19. Travel Prayers
  20. Visiting the Sick
  21. Seventy Thousand Angels
  22. Entering the Mosque
  23. Truly My Prayer
  24. Water, Ice and Snow
  25. Prostration
  26. Al-Tashahhud
  27. O Allah, Help Me
  28. Leaving the Mosque
  29. Rivalry in Worldly Increase
  30. Visiting the Graves
  31. Entering the Home
  32. Grant Us Wives and Offspring
  33. Prayer for Children
  34. Prayer for Parents
  35. In Sa'Altu
  36. Prayers for Eating
  37. O My Servants
  38. Prayers on the Prophet
  39. Blessings on Muhammed
  40. Salli 'Ala Muhammad
The Life of the Last Prophet
  1. Call to Prayer (Adhan)
  2. Introduction
  3. A Lone Orphan
  4. The Trustworthy
  5. The Black Stone
  6. Polytheists and Idols
  7. The Cave
  8. Read! (Surah Al-'Alaq)
  9. The Opening (Surah Al-Fatihah)
  10. Allah; The One (Surah Al-Ikhlas)
  11. Rejection and Boycott
  12. The Night Journey
  13. The Lote Tree
  14. Five Daily Prayers
  15. Al-Madinah
  16. The First Constitution
  17. Migrants and Helpers (Surah Al-Anfal)
  18. Charity and Fasting
  19. People of the Book
  20. Permission to Fight (Surah Al-Hajj)
  21. Battle of Badr
  22. Truce of Hudaybiyyah
  23. Call to the Rulers
  24. Common Terms (Surah Al 'Imran)
  25. Makkah Opened
  26. La Ilaha Illa Allah
  27. Idols Smashed
  28. Religion of Truth (Surah A-Saf)
  29. Farewell Pilgrimage
  30. This Day (Surah Al-Ma'Idah)
  31. The Death of the Prophet
  32. Muhammad Al-Mustafa
  33. Supplication (Du'a)
  34. Tala'a Al-Badru 'Alayna