
Bound to Burn Lyrics

Bright lights - What a sight
He's drawn like a moth to the flame
Gone mad - Too bad
There's nowhere to lay the blame
Mountain top - Quite a drop
Doesn't know he's made of flesh and bone
Double dare - Doesn't care
He says, "You'll never carve my name in stone"

Hot wired - On fire
Somehow you knew he'd never learn
Mama's child - Gone wild
That boy, he was bound to burn
Trouble from Day One
He could run before he could crawl
Hard core - Foot to the floor
He's got to push it to the wall

'Round the bend - Not again
You could see all the tell-tale signs
Wheels spin - Don't fence him in
He's outside the boundary lines
Outer s***e - Quite a place
He's rockin' in the stratosphere
Out of sight - Speed of light
About a million miles from here

Bye bye - Flyin' high
Too close to the sun
Without a doubt - He's checkin' out
He sure was a son of a gun
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Born to Howl (2001)
Shake Torn Asunder Detroit or Buffalo The First Lady of Rock Jolene Rock It Four Times Gone American Child Death of the American Song Bound to Burn Call Off Your Dogs