The Riverboat Gamblers Testo

The Wolf You Feed
  1. Good Veins
  2. Bite My Tongue
  3. Comedians
  4. Soliloquy
  5. Gallows Bird
  6. Blue Ghosts
  7. Heart Conditions
  8. Loser Neck
  9. Dead Eyes
  10. Eviction Notice
Underneath the Owl
  1. Dissdissdisskisskisskiss
  2. A Choppy Yet Sincere Apology
  3. Catastrophe
  4. Alexandria
  5. Pilgrims in an Unholy Land
  6. Sleepless
  7. Robots May Break Your Heart
  8. The Tearjerker
  9. Keep Me From Drinking
  10. Steer Clear
  11. Victory Lap
Something to Crow About
  1. Let's Eat
  2. What's What
  3. Rattle Me Bones
  4. Hey! Hey! Hey!
  5. Save You
  6. Sparks & Shots
  7. Ice Water
  8. Ooh Yeah
  9. Dead From the Neck Up
  10. Catch Your Eye
  11. Cut-cut-cut-cut
  12. Last to Know
  13. Lottie Mae