
Buy for Me the Rain Lyrics

Buy for me the rain, my darling, buy for me the rain;
Buy for me the crystal pools that fall upon the plain.
And I'll buy for you a rainbow and a million pots of gold.
Buy it for me now, babe, before I am too old.
Buy for me the sun, my darling, buy for me the sun;
Buy for me the light that falls when day has just begun.
And I'll buy for you a shadow to protect you from the day.
Buy it for me now, babe, before I go away.
Buy for me the robin, darling, buy for me the wing;
Buy for me a sparrow, almost any flying thing.
And I'll buy for you a tree, my love, where a robin's nest may grow.
Buy it for me now, babe, the years all hurry so.

I cannot buy you happiness, I cannot by you years;
I cannot buy you happiness, in place of all the tears.
But I can buy for you a gravestone, to lay behind your head.
Gravestones cheer the living, dear, they're no use to the dead.
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Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (1967)
Buy for Me the Rain Euphoria Melissa You Took the Happiness (Out of My Head) Hard Hearted Hannah Holding Song to Jutta Candy Man Dismal Swamp I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate Crazy Words, Crazy Tune You're Gonna Get It in the End