
s***e Ghosts Lyrics

I'm waiting for the rain to come
I'm waiting for the light to go
My hands are shaking
My eyes are dry
I'm waiting for the clouds to cover up the sky
One day the night will never end
One day the sun will burn away
No bells will ring
No children sing
They're gonna pull my body from the ground that day
The ghosts from s***e
Have burrowed in my face
They name their price
Inside a block of ice

s***e Ghosts
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Great Old Ones (1996)
Tarred & Feathered My Tank Battered One-Gilled Girl Jimmy the Squid Chunk Diggin' Up the World Colour Me Green s***e Ghosts A Thousand Fists Big Robot Dinosaur Rocket Science Flee! Mustard Gas Everyone Calls Me Ted Diggin' Up the World (acoustic) Yog-Sothoth Hookworm (live) Burrow Your Way to My Heart (live) Please God No Walking on the Moon Six-Gun Gorgon Dynamo