
Megalomania Lyrics

The pope says to The Atheist, In Gods name I do swear
You searching blindly in the dark for something that ain't there
The Atheist says to the Pope There ain't no gettin' 'round it
You too were searching in the dark for nothing...But you found it
You're alright Jack, Ain't gonna look back

You tell us to give up our wealth to those who are without
To all you's third world victims with your famines and your drought
But tell me Johnny Paul my son, if I should make so bold
Why don't ya donate just one of your robes of silk and gold

Let us pray

You church is plastered inside and out with all that precious gear
Gear which if were to be sold could dry many a tear
You tour the earth in costly wheels at times so low
To let some low scum kiss your hand at your mobile ego show

I never intended to care about all of those in need
I never tried to cover up, i'm in it just for me
But someday they'll burn your temples down and strip your churches bare
And lynch you from the nearest tree, but I don't think I'll care


Pray to god man!
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South London 5 Hull 4 (Full Time Result) (1988)
Stark Raving Normal Megalomania Such Fun Alconaut Napalm Job Drunk Addict Coffin Dodgers Go Mad With the Gonads I Lost My Love to a UK Sub Sandra Bigg Really Big Got Any Wrigleys John? Punk Rock Will Never Die The Drinking Song Jobs Not Jails