Bathe me in the waters of the Lagan of the Boyne
Of the Liffey of the Slaney, of the Barrow, Nore and Suir
Of the Blackwater, the Bann, the Lee, the Shannon, Foyle and Erne
Bathe me in the waters
O bless the water that flows from the fields
into the sea that surrounds aour little isle of green
Hope is a river that flows from these stone walls
into an ocean we have never seen
Hope is a dress that my mother once wore
a fiddle tune I heard that has no words
Hope is the one thing we have never lost
Though we are tired of the old war
Same anger in our hearts, same desolation and loss
Why are we divided
Bind us in friendship so rage will never rise again
In fair Éire between friends
Of the Liffey of the Slaney, of the Barrow, Nore and Suir
Of the Blackwater, the Bann, the Lee, the Shannon, Foyle and Erne
Bathe me in the waters
O bless the water that flows from the fields
into the sea that surrounds aour little isle of green
Hope is a river that flows from these stone walls
into an ocean we have never seen
Hope is a dress that my mother once wore
a fiddle tune I heard that has no words
Hope is the one thing we have never lost
Though we are tired of the old war
Same anger in our hearts, same desolation and loss
Why are we divided
Bind us in friendship so rage will never rise again
In fair Éire between friends