
If Lyrics

There's a woman with golden hair standing in the middle of the road
Trying to expose herself to a tired crowd.

There's a girl in my trunk searching for her beloved one who got lost
On his way to her place.
A bunch of small men come crawling out of their tremendous churches
When suddenly a bolt of light ate them up.

If I kissed you would you kiss me, too?
If I loved you would you love me, too?
If I went out would you follow my way?
If I killed you would you kill me, too?
My heart got torn out by a young girl who didn't know what to do else.
So what?! I forgave her...

I went out and left the sweetest one I've ever met
Though O have no explanation for my f****** pride.

The gas lamps were burning due to the lack of electricity
That was cause by our brain's helplessness.
Can you put on your black suit to hide my whiteness
that won't prevent me from getting caught by them?

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affection (the sequence of events) (2006)
Introduction to Reduction Close Dance with Me Rejection Devil's Doll Cool Touch If Shipwrecked Life Sweet Disintegration A Singer's Confession New Thrill A b***erfly in December
Top shy guy at the show Lyrics