Shaun Davey Testo

The Pilgrim
  1. Himlico's Map: Colum Cille Leaves Derry
  2. Gair Na Gairbe
  3. A Walk in the Ocean
  4. The Pilgrim
  5. Colum Cille's Farewell to Ireland
  6. The Land of the Picts
  7. Iona
  8. Briochan and Columba
  9. Storm at Sea
  10. A White Wave Foams Over
  11. Ymadawiad Arthur
  12. St. Manchans Prayer
  13. Samson Peccator Episcopus
  14. St. Matthews Point
  15. Danse Plin
  16. Bal Plin
  17. Danse an Dro
  18. Santiago
  19. Vigo
  20. The Deers Cry
  21. God Be With Me
  22. A' Ghrian