
Dark Night of the Soul Lyrics

Be glorious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; My life is spent
With sorrow and my years with sighing; my strength fails because
Of my iniquity, and my bones waste away� (Psalm 31: 9a, 10)
Something evil lies within
I don�t know if this night will end
I�m wondering if the sun will rise again
Dark night of the soul

I can�t deal with this on my own
I�ve never felt so far from home
How can this be? It�s like I�m all alone
Dark night of the soul

Verse 1:
I�m feeling worthless- On some �I don�t know what�s the purpose�
And most stay on the surface telling me �Enjoy life�
But I can�t unwind and embrace it,
Thinking of all the time that I�ve wasted
All the forbidden wine that I�ve tasted
Can I speak with candid speech? The man�s weak
A stranded sheep who pants and weeps- I can�t sleep
I�m surrounded by His lens- I feel like asking for death
Because I�m drowning in my sins and I�m gasping for breath
It�s all real as it gets, every night my pillow is wet
Looking for God�s face but barely see His silhouette
A dry hour in my well of hope
The Lord feels so far away I couldn�t see Him with a high powered telescope
Asking Him to be nearer, but the sad fact couldn�t be clearer
My greatest enemy is looking back at me in the mirror
A hard sight to behold
My heart�s not right; spark the light to ignite this dark night of my soul

Verse 2:
I feel naked and stranded, forsaken and abandoned
I�ve taken God for granted by breaking His commandments
It�s obvious I�m losing my hope
Because I�m thinking �Who should I quote in my suicide note?�
I�ve been crushed into grains of pebbles
I�m ashamed that I�m a rebel and I can�t even blame it on the devil
I�m a vile man for real- chained to my pride
And my smile can�t conceal the pain that�s inside
Because His hand is heavy on me; Man this weather�s stormy!
My soul needs refuge; I know my debt�s huge
I�m needy and thirsty- diseased and teary-eyed
Lord, please hear my cries because I�m pleading for mercy
I need you to heal me of my brokenness!
Show me a sign of Your favor and seal it with a holy kiss!
It all seemed lost, then I took another look at the cross and
Saw again that the Lord is my portion
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The Solus Christus Project (2005)
Intro Random Thoughts Christ Crucified Mic Check 1, 2 Heart First (remix) Solus Christus Worldwideweb Dark Night of the Soul My Portion Lyrical Theology Interlude Justified Angelz Lift Him Up Memoirs Outro