On aurait certainement dû s'enfuir loin d'ici avant de devenir des hommes sans visage. Les mains en sang se perdre avant de revêtir. Le masque blanc des hommes sans visage. On aura beau désensorceler les sens par ces instants où rejaillit l'essence de l'être et roule sous la cire, avant qu'un râle ne se fasse sentir, celui des hommes sans visage. Sous ce masque un être meurt à bout de souffle il finira par céder comme ensorcelé sous ce masque qui emprisonne chacun de ces regards. On proscrit les comportements pouvant nuire, en quelque sorte s'effacer ou mourir, sous ce masque un être meurt. Alors laisse nous donc appartenir à cette frange d`^etre satisfaits mais morts. A corps perdu vers l'existence, pour mieux fuire cette frange rance d'individus pour qui l'exutoire n'est que le masque de l'avoir. Les hommes sans visage ont investi les rues, ils trainent..
(We certainly should have run far from here before becoming men without faces. The b***** hands get lost before becoming men without faces. Even though we exorcise the senses by these instants where the essence of the being oozes and roll beneath the wax before a rattle is being felt the one of the men without faces. Behind this mask a being dies breathless he will finally surrender as if bewitched behind this mask that imprisons every one of these looks. Harmful behaviors are banned in some ways with draw or die, behind this mask a being dies. So let us belong to this fringe of satisfied but dead beings deliberately existing to better escape, this rancid fringe of people for whom exultation is merely the mask of possession. Men without faces have taken the streets, they wander...)
(We certainly should have run far from here before becoming men without faces. The b***** hands get lost before becoming men without faces. Even though we exorcise the senses by these instants where the essence of the being oozes and roll beneath the wax before a rattle is being felt the one of the men without faces. Behind this mask a being dies breathless he will finally surrender as if bewitched behind this mask that imprisons every one of these looks. Harmful behaviors are banned in some ways with draw or die, behind this mask a being dies. So let us belong to this fringe of satisfied but dead beings deliberately existing to better escape, this rancid fringe of people for whom exultation is merely the mask of possession. Men without faces have taken the streets, they wander...)