
We Dominate Lyrics

Conscious awake and aware in the world
Gazing in eyes just like mine
Life is sacred no matter the form communion creation divine
So many degrees of separation between the slaughterhouse and the store
Ignorant of what we consume to ashamed to look at the source
Malicious mantra of might making right erodes our humanity
The line's been drawn
Fashionable furs, foie gras on a plate lays bare the absence of empathy
The line's been drawn
Our anthropocentric perspective a tyrannical philosophy
The line's been drawn
We pretend that we're the most important to excuse atrocities
The line's been drawn

Just because we're dominant doesn't mean we should dominate,
Just because we can destroy does not mean we should not create
Placing ourselves on a pedestal like we inherited the Earth
We're tied to the same cycle of death and new birth
Bury my body so I may return to the land I love
Break down my body in to the soil for green grass to grow out of
We come from the same place as all other life down here
Now that I've made the connection I have nothing else to fear

The flesh you grind between your teeth
The blood that falls on farmer's feet
A dagger drawn to kill the calf, drink the milk don the skin
Hen debeaked and farmed for eggs when she runs dry we eat her legs
A worm is a bird is a dog is a man
It's all the same
Organic cycle before life began
It's all the same, exactly the same
Bury my body so I may return to the land I love
Break down my body in to the soil for green grass to grow out of
We come from the same place as all other life down here
Now that I've made the connection I have nothing else to fear
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LMNTS (2012)