
707 Lyrics

Last night awaken from a dream with the headlights blazing from a train
and the old man leaning on the throttle
and the brakeman
passing round the bottle,
that full moon dancing through the trees
that 707 was starting to breeze
it said
so I turned around tried to get back asleep
when my ceiling started to creak
and the plaster started to crumble
and the dishes stared to tumble
I hit the floor, I headed for the door
That 707 was staring to roar
It said
So next thing you know I was in the caboose
I was rolling dice, drinking booze
When my old man blew in like a hurricane
Lord have mercy who's driven this train
Last night could've sworn i was sleeping when i woke up their was mud on my feet
And my head was pounding like a driven wheel
And I felt things, never thought I'd feel
So I pulled back the curtain, took the plants
That 707 was staring to dance
It said
So next thing you know I was In the caboose
I was rolling dice, drinking juice
When my old man blew in like a hurricane
Lord have mercy who's driving this train
Last night awakened from a dream with the headlights blazing from a train
And the old man leaning on the throttle
And the brakeman
Passing round the bottle
That full moon,dancing through the trees
That 707 was starting to breeze
It said
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