Korkore žav ande kalyi ratyi,
Begy nina bemorite ori.
Lintavake lulu yašukara,
Edayake žana voila žana.
Zoske zoske devla, sile kutki nura.
Zoske sina sváyi, amarite uri.
Elamika urotyi no vela, Otte loro aika satsya ela. (x2)
Yanomano, yananána nana. (X4)
Befe asya, garabi kalarwi,
Gakaroyi, elo masipaki.
Šisiapa, kaya menke višto,
Avenuma kalai očo ripo.
Zoske zoske vela, sile kutki nura.
Sampa nempi čure, ailivi kanfare.
Sipeluma utpa num šavaše, Aidenlale, žuti sarpelene. (x2)
Aproximative translation
I'm walking alone in the dark night...,
While my thoughts are with my poor mother
I bring her beautiful flowers
I know that would make her happy.
Tell me, dear God,
Why are there so many problems?
Why is our mother ill?
You can see that I'm poor,
That our luck is over!
There are good people living on this land
Oh my God, help them if you can!
Begy nina bemorite ori.
Lintavake lulu yašukara,
Edayake žana voila žana.
Zoske zoske devla, sile kutki nura.
Zoske sina sváyi, amarite uri.
Elamika urotyi no vela, Otte loro aika satsya ela. (x2)
Yanomano, yananána nana. (X4)
Befe asya, garabi kalarwi,
Gakaroyi, elo masipaki.
Šisiapa, kaya menke višto,
Avenuma kalai očo ripo.
Zoske zoske vela, sile kutki nura.
Sampa nempi čure, ailivi kanfare.
Sipeluma utpa num šavaše, Aidenlale, žuti sarpelene. (x2)
Aproximative translation
I'm walking alone in the dark night...,
While my thoughts are with my poor mother
I bring her beautiful flowers
I know that would make her happy.
Tell me, dear God,
Why are there so many problems?
Why is our mother ill?
You can see that I'm poor,
That our luck is over!
There are good people living on this land
Oh my God, help them if you can!