
Beware the Silence Lyrics

I was always empty.
I always tried to be
Filled with beauty.
I didn't know that
Beauty wasn't made for me,
Dirt and mud only will full me.
My self-love was
As my own EGO w***
The Saliva dripping down from my mouth
My little pills are wrong...
It will kill me, I know.
When there is a silence around,
I fall asleep
So, beware the silence around you.
Her naked body is no longer excites me
What's wrong with me?
What's wrong with the world around me?
My medication don't cure me
My little pills are wrong.
My lips turned blue, because I bitten them.
I always knew that alcohol and pills is very bad combination
but I don't know how else to escape from the reality
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Dipsomania (2015)
Intro Beware the Silence Personal Forest Don't Leave the Room Pain Dealer Alcoholism Suicide Is Legal We Will Never Find the Cure How Much for the Hope Moldy Eyes of a Homeless Dog Personal Forest (S.D. Ramirez version)