
Kyrie Rex virginum Lyrics

Rex virginum amator deus Mariae decus. Eleison.
Christe Deus de Patre h*** natus
Maria Matre. Eleison.
O paraclite obumbrans corpus Mariae. Eleison
King, lover of virgins, God, Mary's glory: have mercy.
Christ, God of the Father, born as man of the
mother Mary: have mercy.
O Paraclete, sheltering the body of Mary: have mercy.
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Llibre Vermell (2007)
Procession des pelerins Cuncti simus concanentes Inperaitz / Verges ses par Kyrie Rex virginum Res est mirabilis Mariam Matrem Ave Maria Bal redon Los set goyts recomptarem Advocatem innocemus O Virgo splendens in monte Danza vermeillosa Laudemus virginem Stella splendens in monte Fauvel nous fait present Mater patris et filia Splendens ceptigera Polorum regina Agnus Dei / Ave Maria Ad mortem festinamus
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