
What Am I Lyrics

Jehovah reigns in beauty
And love that passes through me
And gives me strength,
But what am I?
A heart that yearns to please you
But hides myself from your view
Then asks your grace,
Lord what am I?

Your grace enwraps us all
And covers our sins and restores to whole
Your suffering gave us hope
From the depths that we delved, and now raised from the fall.
Lord make me now a instrument
Of Your love and mercy
To bring those back I've led astray
With words that comfort the broken
And deeds that nurture their souls
And love that flows from the giver of Life
Your grace enwraps us all
And covers our sins and restores to whole
Your suffering gave us hope
From the depths that we delved, and now raised from the fall.

Your company brings us peace
Your fellowship baptizes me in release
And freedom from the old
Lord, who am I now, I am simply your own
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