
Tosca: "Dammi i colori...Recondita armonia" Lyrics

Dammi I colori...
Recondita armonia di bellezze diverse!
È bruna Floria, l'ardente amante mia,
E te, beltade ignota
cinta di chiome bionde!
Tu azzuro hai l'occhio
Tosca ha l'occhio nero!
L'arte nel suo mistero
le diverse bellezze insiem confonde:
ma nel ritrar costei
il mio solo pensiero,
ah! il mio sol pensier sei tu!
Tosca sei tu!
What strange and lovely harmony
of such different beauties!
How dark is floria,
this ardent love of mine.
And you, mysterious beauty,
long and blond flowing tresses
How your eyes are sky-blue,
tosca's eyes are black-night.
Art, too, with it's many mysteries,
blends all together
Such different beauties.
but though I paint another,
My only thought is you,
oh, my only thought is you,
Tosca, is you, is you!
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