
Devastation of the Earth Lyrics

Desecration. Condemnation.
Coronation of Evil!
Extermination. Degeneration.
No Salvation.
Domination of the world!
Devastation of the earth
Mass extinction
Reign of f****** Death
Chaos, Death
Will conquer
Devastation of the earth
Of slaves
They obey Satan
Hidden Master
Of the world of minds
Of those who refuse
To see The Truth
And follow the mass
Into annihilation of
Their souls and minds
We are slaves of Satan
He is the Master
Of the world and minds
Of those with Power!
The Truth behold
Devastation of the earth
Reign of Chaos
Reign of Death
Veneration. Hallucination.
Coronation of demons!
Detonation. Extermination.
No Salvation.
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