
My Own Fan Lyrics

Quater to 3 waiting impatiently
The day never ceases to end
The night is young we've just begun
The moonlight replaces the sun
They try and tell us that we don't belong
Angered that we don't respond
Can't wai to prove that they're wrong

What's right for me may not be right for you
If you don't like what you see
Quit keeping tabs on what I do
I couldn't give a d*** if you don't like what I am
It's my life , f*** off, I'm my own fan
The top goes down terrorize in tinsel town
Hanging with my boys out to make some noise
City lights, bar room fights, neon lights
That's where I want to be

Can't wait to prove that they're all f****** wrong!
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Animatron X (2002)
Intro Creepshow Coke Whore My Own Fan Take Me Home l****** Tuesday (The Break-Up Pt.1) The Nightmare I'll Be Fine (Break-Up Pt.2) Murdered Maryann Lisa Shot Her Family 1-900 Stupid f*** Off and Die Red Lights