
f*** Off and Die Lyrics

You're not very nice and i don't think i like you
You're not very nice 'cause you made me cry
You're not very nice and i don't wanna see you
So why don't you just f*** off and die
Why? cuz i got you with another guy

Once i used to say "i love you"
What a f*****' joke you b****
I thought you loved me too

If i had a dime for every d*** you sucked
I'd be a millionaire
Makes me so d*** f*****' sick
To have thought you'd ever care
I gave youn my heart, i gave you my trust
I even got down on my knees
I even gave you my keys
I gave you all i ever had, i gave you everything
But guess what b****
I never really loved you
Now i can finally say "i'm over you"
Besides you weren't worth half the s***
You f*****' put me trough

My frieds said i was p****-whipped
But i was just naive
Best thing i ever did was
Turn around and leave
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Animatron X (2002)
Intro Creepshow Coke Whore My Own Fan Take Me Home l****** Tuesday (The Break-Up Pt.1) The Nightmare I'll Be Fine (Break-Up Pt.2) Murdered Maryann Lisa Shot Her Family 1-900 Stupid f*** Off and Die Red Lights