
Time to Die Lyrics

It's all behind
It's time to rest
Time to die
Light, the morning light filled your sky
Silver wings you made to fly
The things you saw that made you cry
Never ever thought you would die

Was a time you were you and strong
Didn't fear any man
You ruled the day

It's time to rest
Your race is run
You gave your best

Light, the morning light filled your sky
Silver wings you made to fly
The things you saw that made you cry
Never ever thought you would die
Was a time you were you and strong
Didn't fear any man
You ruled the day

Back to back we stand with one other
Wasn't anyone alive who could make us run for cover
Nor could break my land
Rain didn't come but we could haul and make a living
You'd never hear a moan we just took what we was given
We came through all the same
Was a time you were you and strong
Didn't fear any man
You ruled the day

You had the bed and the women who were willing
There was blood on the land we hung a man for killing
Hung his neck till he went blue
Ice cold night when I lost my only woman
For the pas ten years I feel my time-a-coming
I came through all the same
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Patto (2002)