
Hold Your Fire Lyrics

(In memoria di Mike e Ollie - by Picella)

Hold your fire
Don't shoot me
I'm in need of a friend
And I'm cold and seeking shelter from the storm
Put aside your rifle
Help me steer around the bend
Help me find my way back to the road for home

You see I'd grown my hair, got my head all straight
Went after the American dream
Butu I always ended up outside looking in on someone's scene
I was raised on hope and plastic carrot strongout right before my face
I chased every pretty woman looking my way twice but they all disappeared wthout trace

I've been shoved around from town to town it came so naturally
I've been stopped and searched maybe fourteen times on my way from A to B
I've been pointed at by children while I was sleeping in the park
And I was heading home dejected when I scared you in the dark
Hold your fire
Don't shoot me
I'm in need of a friend
And I'm cold and seeking shelter from the storm
Put aside your rifle
Help me steer around the bend
Help me find my way back to the road for home

Well you could see me there at every happening with my album by the Byrds
I was shown how to question the greqat "I Ching" but I could dig some of the words
I've smoked a ton of marijuana sat crossed legged til mylegs went numb
I made peace signs at the farmers when they called me a no good b**
I've read p****graphic literature and I've studied the underground press
I had given my all to Krishna who I was told would not take less
I spent three weeks making necklaces from oriental beads
They were stolen by my guru while I was high on glory seed

I had taken to wearing sandals and I'd given up vatching T.V.
I was rolling up grass in the American flag and I was sick from snorting "C"
I blew my mind out on a trip one right and I ran all theway back to town
Butu the minute I saw the lights in their faces I freaked and turned right around

Well my skin turned yellow and my eyes sunk back from my diet of boiled brown rice
I would shuffle past bright warm houses to my groove pad cold as ice
I've been beated down and busted and I've wound up on my own
And there's nothing left that buzzes me so I'm returning home
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Hold Your Fire (1971)
Hold Your Fire You, You Point Your Finger How's Your Father See You at the Dance Tonight Give It All Away Air Raid Shelter Tell Me Where You've Been Magic Door