
Listen to My Heart Lyrics

Here we are you and I at last
In the right place, at the right time
Every dream I dreamed have come to pass
Cause you're right here and you're all mine
I can't believe the years of holding back are through
And I can finally share what's in my heart with you
Listen, listen...

Listen to my heart, listen to it sing
Listen to my voice, it wants to tell you everything
There's so much to say, I don't know where to start
But if you want to know the love I'm feeling
Listen to my heart

All my life, I've been on a road
Going one way toward one dream
The road would wind, and downhill I will go
Always searching, never finding
But even in my darkest hour I always knew
That someday, somehow the road would lead to you
And words can't express how my heart's
Filled with happiness, listen to it.

Listen to my heart, listen to it sing
Listen to my voice, it wants to tell you everything
Listen to my song, listen to it soar
I've waited all my life for this one moment
I'm not waiting anymore
Listen to my heart
As it cries for all the years that it was lonely
Listen to my heart as it smiles to know
That now after so long I can finally sing my song
And you're here and you;re listening,
You;re listening

Listen to my voice and it will tell you everything
All about the life that's just about to start
For if you want to know how much I love
Listen to my heart, listen to my heart
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Listen to My Heart (1995)
Listen to My Heart It Feels Like Home The Lady Down the Hall Have You Got Any Castles, Baby? Not Exactly Paris We Can Be Kind I Got the Sun in the Morning Out of This World / So in Love The Secret o' Life The Summer Knows / Summer Me Winter Me Ordinary Miracles I'll Be Here With You