
Bí Liom Lyrics

Bí liom a stór mo chroísa ná scaoil mé go deo

Bí liom is tabhairt domh misneach
Gan eagla orm sa cheo

(Be with me forever, my love, to give me courage. I will not be afraid through the mist).

Bí liom nach fada 'n oíche gan tú ag mo thaobh
Suílfidh mé amach ar imeall ag cuartú ceol binn úr

(I am alone through this long night but I will walk to the edge in search of a new song).

Bí liom ar lorg síocháin is saoirse fadó

Dúirt tú liom : éist fuaim !an chláirseach !

Sin é an ceol binn úr
(Be with me to find the peace and freedom of long ago.

You told me to listen for the harp because this is where I will find the new song).
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Two Horizons (2003)