Maybeshewill Testo

Fair Youth
  1. ...
  2. In Amber
  3. You and Me and Everything in Between
  4. Fair Youth
  5. All Things Transient
  6. Sanctuary
  7. Asiatic
  8. Waking Life
  9. Permanence
  10. In the Blind
  11. Volga
I Was Here for a Moment, Then I Was Gone
  1. Opening
  2. Take This to Heart
  3. Red Paper Lanterns
  4. Critical Distance
  5. Accolades
  6. An End to Camaraderie
  7. Words for Arabella
  8. Farewell, Sarajevo
  9. Relative Minors
  10. To the Skies, From a Hillside
Sing the Word Hope in Four-Part Harmony
  1. You Can't Shake Hands With a Clenched Fist
  2. Co-Conspirators
  3. This Time Last Year
  4. Accept and Embrace
  5. Our History Will Be What We Make of It
  6. Last Time This Year
  7. Sing the Word Hope in Four-Part Harmony
Not for Want of Trying
  1. Ixnay on the Autoplay
  2. Seraphim & Cherubim
  3. I'm in Awe, Amadeus!
  4. We Called for an Ambulance but a Fire Engine Came
  5. Heartflusters
  6. C.N.T.R.C.K.T.
  7. He Films the Clouds, Part Two
  8. Not for Want of Trying
  9. Takotsubo