Mandrill Testo
- Ponavljamo
- Egoman
- Glavom kroz zid
- Satrdej bejbe
- Ljubio, valjao
- P
- Ljubav
- Čelik
- Transformer
- Another Brick in the Wall
- Vremenski bankrot
- Positive Thing (Part One)
- Positive Thing (Part Two)
- Skying Upward
- The Road To Love
- Armadillo
- The Reason I Sing
- Bro' Weevil And The Swallow
- Khidja
- House Of Wood
- Drill In The Bush
- El Funko
- Love Is Sunshine
- Folks On A Hill
- Mini-Suite For Duke
- Cal-Ipso
- After The Race
- Lady Jane
- Hang Loose
- Fencewalk
- Hagalo
- Don't Mess With People
- Polk Street Carnival
- Golden Stone
- Out With the Boys
- Moroccan Nights