
Abnormal Multiplication of the Diaphragmatic Tissue Cells Lyrics

The diaphramatic hernia is an intrathoracic subjekt.The hernia`s bag makes an interruption of the thorax through the diaphragm, which is crossed by lots of organs and blood vessels, which have many orifices. These orifices are the weak point of the hernia.The intestine,the stomach and the colon may inhabit the hernia.Some cases are diagnosed into the normality,and others cause dyspnea, digestive and thoracic problems.If it`s well treated doesn`t need intervention.If it`s neglected, a surgery becomes necessary to make the hernia`s withdrawal and close the diaphragm.
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Bloodsplattered Pathological Disfunctions (2000)
Intro: The Pathology Begins Prostatic Affection Consequent to Blenorrhagical Urethritis Congenital Tumor Constituted by Embrionic Tissues and Foetal Residues Emphysema Cadaverosum (Fermented Cadaveric Dissolution) Suppurated Inflamatory Intumescentia of the Ophtalmic Conjunctive C.H.S. Chronic Hyperglicemy Syndrome (Diabetes Melittus) Vulva Fermentation (Regurgitate) Degenerative Affection of the Semitendious Muscular Tract Surgical Suppression of the Extremeties by Abnormalities on the Basic Mechanisms of Sanguine Coagulation Inflamatory Fermentation of the Castric Tissue Pneumo-Ingurgitation Consequent to the Embolism of a Peripherial Branch of the Pulmonary Arteries Mephitic Emanation of Malignant Omphalitis Abnormal Multiplication of the Diaphragmatic Tissue Cells Spontaneous and Spasmodic Contraction of the Muscle-Membranous Ligaments of the Esophagus Affection Caracterized by Inflammation of the Bronquioles and Corresponding Pulmonary Lobules Infectious Pyelonephritis by Pathogenic Bacteriologic Proliferation on the Renal Parenchyma Sub-Acute Inguinal Lymphogranulomatous Ganglionar Maceration