
La Danza Lyrics

Gia la luna in mezzo al mare,
mamma mia,si saltera;
l'ora e bella per danzare,
chi e in amor non manchera.
Gia la luna in mezzo al mare,
mamma mia si saltera.
Presto in danza a tondo a tondo,
donne mie, venite qua;
un garzon bello e giocondo
a ciascuna tocchera.
Finche in ciel brilla una stella
e la luna splendera,
il piu bel con la piu bella
tutta notte danzera.

Mamma mi, mamma mia,
gia la luna e in mezzo al mare,
mamma mia, mamma mia,
mamma mia,si saltera,
frinche, frinche, frinche, frinche frinche,
mamma mi, mamma mia,
mamma mia,si saltera,
la la la ra la ra .....
Salta, salta, gira, gira,
ogni coppia a cerchio va;
gia s'avanza,
si ritira e all'a**alto tornera:
gia s'avanza,
si ritira e all'a**alto tornera:
Serra, serra colla bionda,
colla bruna va qua e la,
colla rossa va a seconda,
colla smorta fermo sosta.
Viva il ballo a tondo a tondo,
sono un re,sono un pascia;
e il piu bel piacer del mondo,
la piu cara volutta.

Already the moon dips into the sea,
My goodness, she'll jump right in;
The hour is pleasant for dancing,
and no one in love would want to miss.
Swiftly dancing round and round,
My dear ladies, come to me,
See a handsome smiling fellow
Willing to dance with every one.
While the evening star shines in the sky
And the moon glows brightly,
The most handsome with the fairest
Will dance the night away.
Jump, jump, turn and turn,
Every couple circling round,
Back and forth and over again
And return where you began.

Hold on tightly to the blonde,
Take the brunette here and there,
take the redhead for a turn,
the wallflower you better don't touch.
Hooray for dancing round and round,
I'm a king, a pasha too,
This is the greatest pleasure on earth,
And the dearest passion? !
Mamma mia, my goodness...
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