
Wait (intro) Lyrics

(girl 1) Hello?

(GUY) Hey what's up girl?
(girl 1) Hey, how ya doin'?

(GUY) Uhh, I'm alright, what you up to?

(girl 1) Nothin', just hangin' out with my home girl.

(GUY) For real, well whatchu going be doin' later on though?

(girl 1) Later on, like what time?

(GUY) Well, about 1:30 or so.

(girl 1) Ooooo, I don't know. That's a little late.
(GUY) A little late? I mean, I don't really get a lot of time with you as it is, so I'm saying, I mean I at least want to hook up with you tonight.

(girl 1) I don't know about that, that's just a little late.

(GUY) Well look... You.. I don't know, You think about it and I'm going to call you back.

(girl 1) Alright.

(GUY) Alright, bye.
(girl 2) Girl, who was that?

(girl 1) That's that guy I was telling you about.

(girl 2) Ohh, so what's he talking about?

(girl 1) He's talking about coming over later on like, 'bout 1-1:30 or so.

(girl 2) Isn't that kind of late?

(girl 1) Yeah, it is.

(girl 2) I know you like him and all, but he shouldn't be coming over here that late, and I know you're tired of being single but... I think you should wait.
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Real Talk (2004)
Souled Out We Don't Aliens Crossover Represent Real Talk (interlude) Take Me as I Am Tha Church Nothin' The Line Who U Wit Heaven or Hell Wait (intro) Wait Faithful