non saper dire addio porta alla perdita di parti molto importanti del corpo, come le braccia o le orecchie.
vorrei essere lontano a volte, come se esistessero luoghi in cui alla mente non arrivano timori di conoscere troppo e di non sapere nulla.
AIR RAID IN THE LAND OF b***ERFLY. being unable to say goodbye leads to the loss of vital bodyparts, such as arms or ears. Sometimes I'd like to be faraway, as if there were places where my mind is not reached by fears of knowing too much or nothing at all.
vorrei essere lontano a volte, come se esistessero luoghi in cui alla mente non arrivano timori di conoscere troppo e di non sapere nulla.
AIR RAID IN THE LAND OF b***ERFLY. being unable to say goodbye leads to the loss of vital bodyparts, such as arms or ears. Sometimes I'd like to be faraway, as if there were places where my mind is not reached by fears of knowing too much or nothing at all.