l'industria c**turale organizza lo svago,
il gusto fino al raggiungimento del completo livellamento degli individui ridotti a zero e integrati nella c**tura dominante espressione ideologica del potere
tradito. nudo e impotente.
dannoso turbare il sonno delle persone, cavie immerse nel torpore da loro voluto.
METEMEPSYCOSIS OF THE ULTIMATE AIM: NEURASTHENIC SWING BETWEEN OPPOSITE POLES. the c**tural industry organises entertainment and styles reaching the complete levelling of the individuals, reduced to zero and integrated in the dominant c**ture, expression of the ideology of the power. disoriented, betrayed, naked and powerless. it's dangerous to disturb the sleep of people, guinea-pigs immersed in the numbness they want for themselves.
il gusto fino al raggiungimento del completo livellamento degli individui ridotti a zero e integrati nella c**tura dominante espressione ideologica del potere
tradito. nudo e impotente.
dannoso turbare il sonno delle persone, cavie immerse nel torpore da loro voluto.
METEMEPSYCOSIS OF THE ULTIMATE AIM: NEURASTHENIC SWING BETWEEN OPPOSITE POLES. the c**tural industry organises entertainment and styles reaching the complete levelling of the individuals, reduced to zero and integrated in the dominant c**ture, expression of the ideology of the power. disoriented, betrayed, naked and powerless. it's dangerous to disturb the sleep of people, guinea-pigs immersed in the numbness they want for themselves.