Kind of Like Spitting Testo

In the Red
  1. Aubergine
  2. We Fell All Over You
  3. Worker Bee #7438-F787904
  4. Spin
  5. In the Red
  6. Sheriff Ochs
  7. Bubble Congress
  8. Per Se Wha?!
  9. All Hail
  10. Song for Annie's Harmonica
  11. Grapes
  12. Line and Sinker
  13. Finishing
  14. Passing Through
Insound Tour Support Series, Volume 14
  1. Now I Can Smile
  2. Bird on a Wire
  3. Prairie Lullaby
  4. Firework
  5. The Last Time I Saw Richard
  6. Continent
  7. Instinctually Restricted the Animal Will Bolt