When it swept down from that darkening sky
You could feel the change in weather
Where it slipped into the August corn
The tassels rolled together
Cresting across the surface / In a steady westward slide
Quickly as it came / It passed out the other side
A wave moved through / out of the blue / A wave
They were driving in to town
An appointment with the lawyer, dreading the ordeal
As they passed that field of corn it hit them broadside
And he leaned into the wheel
She said "How, when we are sinking
Can you say it's no big deal?"
He says "hun, I'm only trying to keep an even keel"
A wave moved through / out of the blue
Been a week since that storm rolled through
but this morning there's barely a breeze
As the shadow of a raven rolls
right over the orchard trees
As it passes overhead it occurs to me
picking plums is a lot like betting horses
You must wait 'til their time is ripe
These are very subtle forces
Last week this fruit held fast
When that storm tore 'cross the land
Today, in stillness, the sweet trifecta
just falls into my hand
A wave moves through / out of the blue / a wave
You could feel the change in weather
Where it slipped into the August corn
The tassels rolled together
Cresting across the surface / In a steady westward slide
Quickly as it came / It passed out the other side
A wave moved through / out of the blue / A wave
They were driving in to town
An appointment with the lawyer, dreading the ordeal
As they passed that field of corn it hit them broadside
And he leaned into the wheel
She said "How, when we are sinking
Can you say it's no big deal?"
He says "hun, I'm only trying to keep an even keel"
A wave moved through / out of the blue
Been a week since that storm rolled through
but this morning there's barely a breeze
As the shadow of a raven rolls
right over the orchard trees
As it passes overhead it occurs to me
picking plums is a lot like betting horses
You must wait 'til their time is ripe
These are very subtle forces
Last week this fruit held fast
When that storm tore 'cross the land
Today, in stillness, the sweet trifecta
just falls into my hand
A wave moves through / out of the blue / a wave