Jonathan Fire*Eater Testo

Wolf Songs for Lambs
  1. When the Curtain Calls for You
  2. The Shape of Things that Never Came
  3. This Is My Room
  4. No Love Like That
  5. Bipolar Summer
  6. I've Changed Hotels
  7. Everybody Plays the Mime
  8. These Little Monkeys
  9. Station Coffee
  10. A Night in the Nursery
  11. Impatient Talent Show
Tremble Under Boom Lights
  1. The Search for Cherry Red
  2. Make It Precious
  3. Give Me Daughters
  4. The Beautician
  5. Winston Plum
  6. The Public Hanging of a Movie Star
  7. The Cakewalk of Crime
  8. When Prince Was a Kid