
Ballad of the One Eyed Jack Lyrics

A one-eyed jack rode to Monterey
In the heat of the blazing sun
When Sheriff Longworth saw Kid Reo
He strapped on his fast gun.
The Sheriff didn't trust the one-eyed jack
nor the deadly smile he wore
And when that night he shamed Luisa
In vengeance the Sheriff swore.


Beware of the one-eyed Jack
Especially if they're wild
One-eyed jacks are deadly
even when they smile
Never trust a one-eyed jack
with his cold, cold heart of stone
He will only show one side to you
for his soul's the devil's own.
Ten cracks of the Sheriff's whip cut deep
The pain-filled Reo cursed
You'd better kill me while you can
Or I will get you first.

The angry Sheriff raised his gun b*** high
Then smashed Reo's trigger hand
You're done for now you One-eyed jack
You will kill no other man.

The creaky iron door slammed shut tight
The one-eyed jack was jailed
With Luisa's help he soon escaped
For his true love had not failed.

The horses rode off with the lover's two
As the smoking six-guns burst
The Sheriff aimed his gun at the one-eyed Jack
But the One-eyed jack shot first

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