
Studio Talk Lyrics

Track 3 - Studio Talk (2:37)
In this segment, John tries to get a song they all know, and complains, presumably to Paul, about how bad most other musicians are at being able to jam. The teack starts with Paul tapping out a slightly faster rhythm, and Keyes plays a few sax notes. It soon falls into a slow paced instrumental with drums, orgam and guitar, vaguely reminiscent of 'Lucille', until John gets bored and again stops them...

JL: All right, lets make some backing...I like both you and Bobby, but I don't understand why you're sitting right on top of me...somebody think of a friggin' song. I've done 'Ain't That A Shame' in twenty studios on these jam sessions...(someone says something off mike to Lennon) Yeah, its just that we had a jam and nobody knows when to change. You do a twelve bar, or somebody picks a song
PMC (off mike): 'Little Bitty Pretty' (?)
JL: Anybody can sing...no no no, anybody know...we did 'Do Ya Wanna Dance' for three f*****' sessions.
The band starts to play a medium paced riff. They are frightfully ragged.
JL: Anybody know it? (singing) little bitty pretty one...that's all I know...see what I mean?

Paul now gets a mike, and his comments are more audible.

PMC: Hey Steve!
JL: I've forgotten all the words...(singing) left my woman by the...that's all I know. if somebody knows a song that we all know, please say so, caus I've been screaming here for hours...its gotta be something done around Fifties, or no later than '63, or we ain't gonna know it...I got it, I got it!
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