
Lucille Lyrics

Track 4 - Lucille (5:57)
JL: Who's got a mike besides me? Come on, somebody join in
PMC: Hey!
JL: OK, OK, yeah, hey hey - that's it...
Lucille (5.48) The band, led by Stevie, pull it together and start playing the riffs that underpin 'Lucille'. They play three instrumental choruses, with saxaphone, organ, lead guitar, bass and drums before John comes screaming it, aided by Paul, who provides a distinct harmony vocal. This is the only significant interaction between paul and John throughout the session.
They sing two choruses and a middle eight before an instrumental break. dominated, initially by the sax, before a guitar takes over. They resume with another middle eight, followed two more choruses. This is followed by a ragged guitar solo from John (?). Paul's drums have been faded out of the mix at this point. Paul and John then sing a middle eight acapella, followed by another chorus and instrumental. Yet another middle eight and chorus follow, with some more instrument abd vocal 'drop-outs' and then another more ragged guitar led solo by John which lasts for two choruses before the band grinds to a halt(?)
JL: it is a little better, if we think it is a song, right? And somebody turn my vocal mike down...give Stevie a vocal mike...and where's all that drink they always have in this place?
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