Hosanna! Music Testo

In Christ Alone
  1. Times of Refreshing
  2. In Your Presence
  3. Such Joy
  4. Speak to One Another
  5. As High as the Heavens
  6. Don't Grow Weary
  7. We'll Be Faithful
  8. Time of Refreshing (reprise)
  9. A Broken Spirit
  10. Ever Let It Be
  11. I Love to Be With You
  12. More of You
  13. In Christ Alone
Acapella Praise
  1. All Creatures of Our God and King
  2. God Will Make a Way
  3. Mourning Into Dancing
  4. Amazing Love & And Can It Be (medley)
  5. Think About His Love
  6. Pure in Heart
  7. Joy of My Desire & More Precious Than Silver (medley)
  8. We Lift Up Your Name
  9. Crown Him & Crown Him With Many Crowns (medley)
  10. Great Is the Lord