Hallelujah the Hills Testo

No One Knows What Happens Next
  1. Get Me In A Room
  2. Nightingale Lightning
  3. Care To Collapse
  4. Hungry Ghost Extraordinaire
  5. No One Knows What Happens Next
  6. Dead People's Music
  7. People Breathe Into Other People
  8. The Game Changes Me
  9. Hello, My Destroyer
  10. Call Off Your Horses
Colonial Drones
  1. A Guide to the World's Most Fantastic Monster
  2. The Might Come Back Club
  3. Put the Gurus in Charge
  4. Blank Passports
  5. Allied Lions
  6. Oxus Pagoda
  7. Variations on the Grand National Championships
  8. Station
  9. The Echo Sequence
  10. Classic Tapes
  11. You Better Hope You (Die Before Me)
  12. It Carries Back
  13. Flight of the Paper Pilots
Collective Psychosis Begone
  1. Sleeper Agent (Just Waking Up)
  2. Wave Backwards to Massachusetts
  3. Hallelujah the Hills
  4. The House Is All Lit Up
  5. Raise the Flag of Your Sibling's Favorite Daydream
  6. (the crux of the camera man)
  7. Slow Motion Records Broken at Break Neck Speeds
  8. Effie's on the Other Side
  9. The Trap
  10. Teenage Synesthete
  11. It's All Been Downhill Since the Talkies Started to Sing
  12. To All My Scientist Colleagues I Bid You Farewell