
Monade Lyrics

album: Resurrection (1998)
oh neul eun sah wol eel~ nah neun guh jeess mahl chuh luhm gahn dah~
geu luh nah guh jeess mahl ee ah nee nah dah
jee geum sahl ah eess dah guh gin weh eul lah gah neun gah jook eu luh
gah neun gah heung hah chuhn eun geu dae mohk soom ggeut eh gyuhl
ee lah doh dahl ah nohng ahss neun gah To hell the Monade never hell the
Monade ya~ geu dae moo uhss een gah geu dae sahl ah gahl yohng gee
eess neun gah nae gehn geu luhn yohng gee gah uhbs dah nohng chee jee
mah geu dae mohk soom eelh jee mah uh ee yuh dee ee yuh yeah jee ohk
gah suh sahl goh sheep nyah geu luhm muh lee boo tuh dduhl uh jee geh
ddohk bah loh suh bwah ahn dweh ahn dwae ahn dweh ahn dweh ahn dweh
jee ohk gah suh sahl goh ship nyah (held) guh gin goh tohng ee nuhl gee dah
lee goh eess dah (the Mon) guh gin nuh guh gin nuh gaht eun nyuh suhk deul
ee mahn ee ah joo mahn ee sahl goh eess dah

To hell the Monade Never hell the Monade ya chuhss jeh nae gah gahn dah
goh uh muh nee suh luh woh mah sheeb shee yoh dool jeh chin goo deul ah
nahk shim hahl guhs uhbs dah

To hell the Monade never hell the Monade ya sehs jeh kee nee neh ee sheep
sahm ahl muhk goh gahn dah nehs jeh moh doo ahn nyuhng ah moo doh nyuhl
gahng yoh hah jee ahn ah nee gah boh neun seh sahng ee guhn boo gah ah nya
geu ggahs eel loh seh sahng eh suh gah jahng uh lee suhk eun jah gah dweh lyuh
hah neun gah geu ddae bboon yah uhk ool hahm geu dae sseul lah lin gah seum
mohk soom geu dae mohk soom pah lee mohk soom ah wae wae jah goo jah ggoo
buhs uh nah lyuh hah neun gah
Never never geu nyahng geu luhng geh seh sahng eul jyuh buh lee jee mah
Never nae sohn jahb ah Long waited come back of H.O.T Never never geu
dae sahl ah soom sweh neun guhl gahm sah hah neun gah held the
Mon held the life now git it git it on

oh neul eun haeng woon eul sahng jing hah neun cheel wohl cheel!
cheel jah gah dool ee eess uh mahm eh deul uhss dah
This is the promise I now make with ya no matter what happens
we will be there for ya down and out our last wish is just that our
music might get there and comfort ya
All we can blast with new energy life aint easy and it makes ya crazy
yet to realize here begins a new history
shee bee sahm sheep eel loh moh deun guhs eul chuhng sahn
hah goh sae cheul bahl eh eh mi loh eel eel eul taek hah yuhss noh lah!
To hell the Monade never hell the Monade ya(2x) nohng chee
mah geu dae mohk soom eel jee mah nah yuh gee sahl ah eess
dah geu daen wae eul lah gah neun gah jook eu luh gah neun gah
Held the Mon hohng soh joong hahn geu dae moh soom geu dae saeng
myuhng eun sah wohl eh bah boh gah ah nee dah

noo gah soh joong hahn nuh eh~ soh joong hahn saeng myuhng eul ahs
ah gah neun gah ah cheem ee nyuhl gee dah lee goh iss eul guh yah~
chahm goh gee dah lyuh yah hae

To hell the Monade never hell the Monade ya (3x)

Never never geu nyahng geu luhng geh seh sahng eul jyuh buh lee jee mah
Never nae sohk jahb ah long waited come back of
Never never geu dae sahl ah soom sweh neun guhl gahm sah hah neun gah
Held the Mon held the life amazing your and my life

To hell the Monade never hell the Monade ya
To hell the Monade never hell the Monade ya
I will never face the world without wondering
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Resurrection (1998)
빛 (Hope) 열맞춰! (Line Up!) 鬪魂 (투혼, The Spirit of Fighter) 우리들의 맹세 (The promise of H.O.T) H.O.T. (House Of Trust) -아빠 사랑해요- In-I -이 세상에 버려진 모든 아이들을 위하여...- Monade Techno Love You Got Gun? 소년이여! 신화가 되어라 (Boys, Be a Legend!) 홀로서기 (All Alone) 후에... (Since you've gone) 하나라는 아름다운 느낌 (Unity is as beautiful as one) X-mas Bonus Track - Wedding X-mas