Great Big Sea Testo

The Hard and The Easy
  1. Come and I Will Sing You (The Twelve Apostles)
  2. Old Polina
  3. The River Driver
  4. The Mermaid
  5. Captain Kidd
  6. Graceful & Charming (Sweet Forget Me Not)
  7. Concerning Charlie Horse
  8. Harbour Lecou
  9. Tishialuk Girls Set (Father's Jig / Buffett Double / Tishialuk Girls)
  10. French Shore
  11. Cod Liver Oil
  12. Tickle Cove Pond
  13. Tickle Cove Pond (video)
  14. Harbour Lecou (video)
  15. The River Driver (video)
  16. Concerning Charlie Horse (video)
  17. The Mermaid (video)
  18. Berry Picking Time (video)
  19. Come and I Will Sing You (video)
  20. Captain Kidd (video)
  21. Sweet Forget Me Not (video)
  22. Buffet Double (video)
  23. Old Polina (video)
  24. Closing Credits (video)