Fernando Ortega Testo

Come Down, O Love Divine
  1. Kyrie I
  2. Kyrie II
  3. Just as I Am
  4. Trisagion
  5. Ruby's Advent Song
  6. Doxology
  7. The King of Love My Shepherd Is
  8. The Good Shepherd
  9. Come Down, O Love Divine
  10. The God of Abraham Praise
  11. Our Great God
  12. Sanctus
  13. Of the Father's Love Begotten
  14. Aaron's Blessing
Christmas Songs
  1. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
  2. Carol of the Bells
  3. Joy to the World
  4. Go Tell It on the Mountain
  5. What Child Is This?
  6. Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella
  7. O Little Town of Bethlehem
  8. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
  9. Anges We Have Heard on High
  10. Jesus, King of Angels
The Shadow of Your Wings: Hymns and Sacred Songs
  1. Grace and Peace
  2. All Flesh Is Like the Grass
  3. Let the Words of My Mouth
  4. Open My Lips
  5. Come Let Us Worship
  6. All Creatures of Our God and King
  7. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  8. Oh God, You Are My God
  9. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
  10. There Is Power in the Blood
  11. Sing to Jesus
  12. Crown Him With Many Crowns
  13. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
  14. Doxology
  1. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  2. Nothing but the Blood
  3. Praise to the Lord the Almighty
  4. As for Us
  5. Con Que Pagaremos
  6. Softly and Tenderly
  7. What Wondrous Love Is This
  8. Teach Me Thy Way
  9. Mi Abuelito
  10. Morning Star
  11. Chimayo
  12. I Love to Praise Your Name
  13. Night of Your Return
  14. Living Water
  15. I Need Thee Every Hour
  16. Nearer My God to Thee
  17. Here Is Love
  18. God Made Them All
  19. My Song Is Love Unknown
  20. I Remember Well
  21. Road Song
  22. Family
  23. Now That You're Gone
  24. Creation Sings
  25. Green Pastures
  26. Near the Cross
  27. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
  28. Sacrifice of Praise
  29. It's Your Love
  30. Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted
  31. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
  32. O Sacred Head Now Wounded
  33. Tossed on the Wind
  34. This Is My Father's World