
Glass Lyrics

I ask...

Glass, how long will you last
If I leave you in the midst of this storm?

Glass, how will you remain

When cracks are already so visibly formed?


Please don't squeeze me any harder

I'm becoming more brittle by the second

And I was already fragile before

What do you want from me? Tell me now

No more of this persuasive talk, tell me now

There'll be no shaping my thoughts

You can't just shove me to and 'fro

I ask...

Glass, how long will you last
If I leave you in the midst of this storm?

Glass, how will you remain

When cracks are already so visibly formed?


And I asked nicely the first time

But you are beginning to push me too far

Just be reasonable

Look through seeing as I'm so transparent

I should've thought that it would be easy to do
Release me from you grip

You can't just throw me around

Glass, how long will you last

If I leave you in the midst of this storm?

Glass, how will you remain

When cracks are already so visibly formed?

And I asked nicely the first time...

Ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh

Glass, how long will you last

If I leave you in the midst of this storm?

Glass, how will you remain

When cracks are already so visibly formed? Formed.
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