
Lost in Nothingness Lyrics

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The Fall of a Rebel Angel (2016)
The Story of "Circle Eight" The Story of "The Omega Point" The Story of "Diving" The Story of "The Die Is Cast" The Story of "Mother" The Story of "Agnus Dei" The Story of "Sadeness, Part II" The Story of "Lost in Nothingness" The Story of "Oxygen Red" The Story of "Confession of the Mind" The Story of "Absolvo" The Story of "Amen" La historia de "Circle Eight" La historia de "The Omega Point" La historia de "Diving" La historia de "The Die Is Cast" La historia de "Mother" La historia de "Agnus Dei" La historia de "Sadeness, Part II" La historia de "Lost in Nothingness" La historia de "Oxygen Red" La historia de "Confession of the Mind" La historia de "Absolvo" La historia de "Amen" L'Histoire de "Circle Eight" L'Histoire de "The Omega Point" L'Histoire de "Diving" L'Histoire de "The Die Is Cast" L'Histoire de "Mother" L'Histoire de "Agnus Dei" L'Histoire de "Sadeness, Part II" L'Histoire de "Lost in Nothingness" L'Histoire de "Oxygen Red" L'Histoire de "Confession of the Mind" L'Histoire de "Absolvo" L'Histoire de "Amen" Circle Eight The Omega Point Diving The Die Is Cast Mother Agnus Dei Sadeness, Part II Lost in Nothingness Oxygen Red Confession of the Mind Absolvo Amen