Elevation Worship Testo

Wake Up the Wonder
  1. Already Won
  2. Unstoppable God
  3. Jesus I Come
  4. Ever Glorious
  5. Jesus Forever
  6. Your Promises
  7. The King Is Among Us
  8. Great Things (Worth It All)
  9. Standing
  10. Let Us Adore
  11. I Love You Lord
  12. For the Lamb
  13. Fortress
  14. Look How He Lifted Me
Nothing Is Wasted
  1. Great In Us
  2. Be Lifted High
  3. In Your Presence
  4. Let Go
  5. We're Not Alone
  6. I Will Trust In You
  7. Unchanging God
  8. Nothing Is Wasted
  9. I Have Decided
  10. Lift Us Out
  11. Open Up Our Eyes
  12. Greater
  13. Great In Us
  14. Be Lifted High
  15. In Your Presence
  16. Let Go
  17. We're Not Alone
  18. I Will Trust In You
  19. Unchanging God
  20. Nothing Is Wasted
  21. I Have Decided
  22. Lift Us Out
  23. Open Up Our Eyes
  24. Greater
  25. Give Me Faith
Kingdom Come
  1. The Church
  2. Awaken
  3. Holy Is the One
  4. Kingdom Come
  5. Your Cross
  6. You Are On Our Side
  7. Give Me Faith
  8. Sun Stand Still
  9. Let Us Remember
  10. Mercy Reigns
  11. We Are Forgiven
  12. Your Favor
  13. You Are Enough
  14. This City Is Yours
We Are Alive
  1. All Things New
  2. Progress A
  3. We Are Alive
  4. All Around the World
  5. Undivided
  6. Walk in Love
  7. This City
  8. Sing Forever
  9. Great Things
  10. Progress B
  11. Sun Stand Still
  12. We Have Overcome
  13. We Were Far From You
  14. Here in This Place