Edgar Broughton Band Testo

Edgar Broughton Band
  1. Evening Over Rooftops
  2. The Birth
  3. Piece of My Own
  4. Poppy / Don't Even Know Which Day It Is
  5. House of Turnabout
  6. Madhatter
  7. Getting Hard (Into) / What Is a Woman For?
  8. Thinking of You
  9. For Dr. Spock
Sing Brother Sing
  1. There's No Vibrations but Wait!
  2. The Moth: A) the Moth B) People C) Peter
  3. Momma's Reward (Keep Them Freaks A-Rollin')
  4. Refugee
  5. Officer Dan
  6. Old Gopher
  7. Aphrodite
  8. Granma
  9. It's Falling Away
Wasa Wasa
  1. Death of an Electric Citizen
  2. American Boy Soldier
  3. Why Can't Somebody Love Me
  4. Neptune
  5. Evil
  6. Crying
  7. Love in the Rain
  8. Dawn Crept Away