
Lady of Goldenwood Lyrics

["The eldest sages of our kin say that the seeds of Val'inthor were stars that came to fall even before the birth of the sun. For one who has gazed upon the majesty of the Elder Tree, who have heard the playful laughter of our kin sounding through the open sylvan glades or seen the ivory robes that my daughter bears within these lands, such myth may readily seem as truth. For although Duviel, my beloved daughter joyfully wore the studded leather garments of elven scouts she was the queen of our kind"]

Midwood in autumn moon
Dawning upon silver dew
shimmering like fireflies
and golden leaves from up high
striding up to me
The lady of goldenwood
in shrouds of pearls and palest white
though she bears the mark of the wilds
She is the queen of her kind
["Among the highest branches, above the temple alcoves my youngest daughter, the elven princess Sariel, often sat and sang hymns and ballads of olden lore and was little concerned with the heavy burden bestowed upon her family. Her favourite song was that of the magical ivory flutes of Niaranden, the Naiden children - the elfkind"]

Sung by flutes of ivory
notes soar round the elder tree
stairs ascending to far up high
where golden leaves kiss the sky

The lady of goldenwood
in shrouds of pearls and palest white
though she bears the mark of the wilds
She is the queen of her kind
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