
Love's Holiday Lyrics

Love's holiday
Give some love away
Touch somebody's life
in a special way
Joy to the world,
all the boys and girls
Touch somebody's life
this holiday

1- Now it's the time, you know it's here
That special time of year
Send some love, help somebody spread a lot of cheer
It doesn't cost a lot to go and make somebody's day
Love isn't love until You've gone and given it away
Now if you know what you know
Let your actions show
Don't hold back, don't hold out
Let your feelings flow
Little smile, little gift, some encouragement
to help somebody make it through a bad experience

2- Long ago, you know the Father said He loved us so
Gave His Son, the greatest love this world will ever know
He's the reason that we celebrate this time of year
Shout it out, tell the world the love of God is here

Now you know what you know
Let your actions show
Don't hold back, don't hold out
Let your feelings flow
A little smile, little gift, some encouragement
Can help somebody make it through a bad experience
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